How to get press coverage as a racing driver

Getting in the press as a racing driver can be powerful. I discussed this a couple of years ago on the Racing Mentor Sponsorship podcast and during that episode (007), my co-host Toby Trice said:

"I've had some insane press coverage. It blew my mind what I achieved in my first year of motorsport last year just by focusing on getting good press coverage."

For those of you who know Toby, you’ll understand how far that kind of coverage has taken him. So, let's dive into PR (public relations) and explore how you can make the most of it to attract sponsors and boost your career.

What Does PR Look Like for Drivers?

When it comes to PR, most drivers think of getting featured in motorsport publications like Autosport or The Checkered Flag. While that's great and could showcase your racing accomplishments to a wider audience, it's important to think beyond that. PR isn’t just about motorsport coverage; it's about creating brand awareness and attracting sponsors across various platforms.

Think big when it comes to PR. Consider reaching out to your local press, the national press, and publications outside the motorsport industry. Explore opportunities in fitness, fashion, lifestyle, men's/women’s health, and more. By expanding your reach, you can open doors to new audiences and attract sponsors.

The Power of a Unique Story

As a racing driver, you have a unique story to tell. Find your niche and highlight what sets you apart from other drivers. Your story can be a powerful tool to attract media attention and engage with journalists. Consider what makes you different and use that to your advantage.

For example, if you're in the fitness world, focus on how you maintain your fitness levels as a racing driver. Explore the importance of neck strength for racing and share your journey of improving your fitness. By offering a unique perspective, you make it easier for journalists to write about you and capture their readers' interest.

Remember, it's not just about your racing achievements; it's about your personal growth and the challenges you've overcome. Craft a story that resonates with audiences and showcases your human side. This will make you more relatable and increase your chances of getting press coverage.

Building Relationships with Journalists

Journalists are always looking for the next big story. By building relationships with them, you increase your chances of getting featured in the press. Connect with journalists on platforms like Twitter (X) and LinkedIn, and start conversations about your racing journey and achievements.

Make it easy for journalists to write about you by providing them with compelling stories and quotes. Keep in touch with them, update them on your progress, and be available for interviews. By nurturing these relationships, you'll stay top of mind when they're looking for a story to cover.

Writing an Effective Press Release

When it comes to reaching out to the press, a well-crafted press release can make all the difference. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Headline: Create a headline that captures attention and reflects what the publication would use.

  • First Paragraph: Summarise the who, what, when, why, and how of your story in a concise and engaging way.

  • Quotes: Include quotes from yourself and your sponsors to add credibility and make it easier for journalists to write the story.

  • Contact Details: Provide your contact information in case the journalist has further questions.

  • Images: Include high-resolution images that journalists can use to accompany the article (a Dropbox or Google Drive link is best).

By following these guidelines, you make it convenient for journalists to write about you and increase your chances of getting coverage. Remember, convenience is key in the fast-paced world of news, so make it as easy as possible for journalists to tell your story.

Read more: Want more on writing a press release beyond the format, check out this article.

Expanding Your Reach with Content Marketing

In addition to traditional press coverage, consider exploring content marketing to expand your reach. Create your own content, such as blog posts or guest articles, to showcase your expertise and engage with your audience.

Content marketing allows you to control the narrative and tell your story in your own words. It also provides an opportunity to promote your sponsors and attract new ones. Building an engaged audience through platforms like blogs or newsletters can be a valuable asset when approaching sponsors in the future.

Getting your story out there on social media and in the press can be a great way to help your audience connect with you on a deeper level. This helps you stand out and allows people to see you as more than a racing driver, which is very useful when it comes to attracting sponsors.

Want to start your own motorsport PR journey?

Download our free guide to securing local PR below.